Monday, November 4, 2013

Lakers Review Game 4

The Lakers jumped out to a huge lead, winning by as much as 21 in the first half, but didn't play well after halftime, letting Atlanta comeback and tie the game with 35 seconds left. Two huge offensive rebounds and two huge Pau Gasol free throws led the team to victory and saved the team.
There was a little change in the lineup as coach D'antoni started Xavier Henry over Nick Young. It seemed to work as Henry continued to play the same as when he came off the bench, scoring a team high 18 points. Nick Young played his best game of the season, coming off the bench to score 13 points in 21 minutes. Pau was also very productive, again showing that he is back to all-star performance, as he had 16 points and 13 boards in 28 minutes. Steve Nash also had his best game so far, getting 13 points and 6 assists and looked a lot more like the hall of fame player that he is after a disappointing season last year.
The Lakers were able to get another 48 points off the bench, against showing that they are a lot more deep than we thought at the beginning of the year. Defensively, they were rather on and off. At times in the first half, they would shut Atlanta down and go on big runs, but in the second half the opposite would happen, and they couldn't get a stop to save their lives.
Overall, I'm very happy with the teams win. Its been a really good start to the year, with wins over the Clippers and the Hawks, while also coming very close against the Spurs. They are sitting at 2-2, which is fine with me as i expected them to be 0-4 at this point. Next up is Tuesday night against Dallas.

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