Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lakers Review Game 2

Tonight we learned that one game doesn't mean anything. The team seemed to play exactly like they were expected to in the pre-season. I was most disappointed with the fact that they were getting open looks as the basket and they just couldn't hit. They weren't able to get anything going, as they didn't even set up the offense most of the game, instead opting to take quick threes early in the shot clock. The defense was even worse, as the Warriors looked like they couldn't miss, making 55% of their threes, which is better than the Lakers shot against the Clippers in the opener. Klay Thompson dropped 38 for the Warriors, 27 of which came in the first half, helping Golden State jump out to a 59-40 halftime lead.
They went up by double digits early in the game and didn't look back. Pau was having trouble establishing his post game, shooting just 5-10 with 12 points. Steve Nash didn't play due to a slightly injured neck. D'antoni did say that Nash might not play the second of double headers a lot this season, just so the NBA's oldest player can get some extra rest. Jodie Meeks would replace him in the starting line-up. He would lead the team in scoring with 14.
The bench did another good job, although it wan't enough to win, they still were able to produce 52 points whereas the Warriors were only able to generate 44 from their bench. The Lakers might need Kobe back sooner than they thought, but until then they will have to do a better job shooting the ball, as they shot just 39% from the field. The road doesn't get any easier from here as the Lakers will return home to face the San Antonio Spurs on ESPN on Friday night. If they can get out and running early, while also knocking down their shots, then they might be able to pull the upset over the defending Western Conference champions.

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